Major Publications

  1. D. C. Jewitt, G. E. Danielson and S. P. Synott (1979), "Discovery of a New Jupiter Satellite", Science, 206, 951. pdf version

  2. D. C. Jewitt and G. E. Danielson (1981), "The Jovian Ring", Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, 8691. pdf version

  3. G. Neugebauer, E. E. Becklin, D. C. Jewitt, R. J. Terrile and G. E. Danielson (1981), "Spectra of the Jovian Rings and Amalthea", Astronomical Journal, 86, 607.

  4. D. C. Jewitt, R. J. Terrile and G. E. Danielson (1981), "Ground Based Observations of the Jovian Rings and Amalthea", Icarus, 48, 536. pdf version

  5. D. C. Jewitt (1982), "The Ring of Jupiter", Invited Review in Satellites of Jupiter, ed. by D. Morrison, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

  6. D. C. Jewitt, P. N. Kupferman, G. E. Danielson and S. P. Maran (1983), "Distribution of Forbidden Neutral Carbon Emission in the Ring Nebula (NGC 6720)", Astrophysical Journal, 268, 683. pdf version

  7. D. C. Jewitt, B. T. Soifer, G. Neugebauer, K. Matthews, and G. E. Danielson (1982), "Visual and Infrared Observations of the Distant Comets P/Stephan- Oterma, Panther and Bowell", Astronomical Journal, 87, 1854.pdf version

  8. D. C. Jewitt (1984), "Coma Expansion and Photometry of Comet Bowell", Icarus, 60, 373. pdf version

  9. D. C. Jewitt and G. E. Danielson (1984), "Charge Coupled Device Photometry of Comet P/Halley", Icarus, 60, 435. pdf version

  10. R. Remillard and D. C. Jewitt (1985), "A Comparison of the Continuum Spectra of Four Comets", Icarus, 64, 27. pdf version

  11. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1985), "Rotation of the Nucleus of Comet P/Arend- Rigaux", Icarus, 64, 329. pdf version

  12. D. C. Jewitt, G. E. Danielson and P. N. Kupferman (1986), "Halos Around Planetary Nebulae", Astrophysical Journal, 302, 727.pdf version

  13. K. J. Meech, D. C. Jewitt and G. R. Ricker (1986), "Early Photometry of Comet P/Halley: Development of the Coma", Icarus, 66, 561. pdf version

  14. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1986), "Cometary Grain Scattering Versus Wavelength or What Color is Comet Dust?", Astrophysical Journal, 310, 937.pdf version

  15. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1986), "Scattering Properties of Cometary Grains - Comet Halley", 20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, Heidelburg, ESA SP-250.

  16. K. J. Meech and D. C. Jewitt (1986), "Observations of Comet Halley at Minimum Phase Angle", 20th ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet, Heidelburg, ESA SP-250.

  17. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1987), "CCD Photometry of Comet P/Encke", Astronomical Journal, 93, 1542.

  18. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1987), "Surface Brightness Profiles of Ten Comets", Astrophysical Journal, 317, 992.pdf version

  19. K. J. Meech and D. C. Jewitt (1987), "Comet Bowell at Record Heliocentric Distance", Nature, 328, 506. pdf version

  20. K. J. Meech and D. C. Jewitt (1987), "Observations of Comet P/Halley at Minimum Phase Angle", Astron. & Astrophys., 187, 585 - 593.

  21. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1988), "Optical Properties of Cometary Nuclei and a Preliminary Comparison with Asteroids", Astrophysical Journal, 328, 974-986.pdf version

  22. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1988), "A Two Part Search for Slow Moving Objects", Astronomical Journal, 95, 1256-1262.pdf version

  23. D. C. Jewitt and K. J. Meech (1988), "Absence of a Color - Distance Trend in Comets", Astronomical Journal, 96, 1723-1730.

  24. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1989), "A CCD Portrait of Comet P/Tempel 2", Astronomical Journal, 97, 1766 - 1790.pdf version

  25. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1989), "On the Relative Numbers of C-Types and S- Types Among Near Earth Asteroids", Astronomical Journal, 98, 1905 - 1911.

  26. D. C. Jewitt (1990), "The Persistent Coma of Comet P/Schwassmann Wachmann 1", Astrophysical Journal, 351, 277-286. pdf version

  27. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1990), "CCD Spectra of Asteroids I. Near-Earth and 3:1 Resonance Asteroids, Astronomical Journal, 99, 1985-2011. pdf version

  28. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1990), "The Nucleus of Comet P/Encke", Icarus, 86, 69-81.

  29. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1990), "CCD Spectra of Asteroids II. The Trojans as Spectral Analogues of Cometary Nuclei, Astronomical Journal, 100, 933-944. pdf version

  30. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1990), "Cometary Activity in 2060 Chiron", Astronomical Journal, 100, 913-932. pdf version

  31. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1990), "The Submillimeter Radio Continuum of Comet Brorsen-Metcalf", Astrophysical Journal, 365, 738-747. pdf version

  32. D. C. Jewitt (1990), "Far-IR and Submillimeter Radiation from Cometary and Circumstellar Dust", Invited Review for the 24th ESLAB Symposium, "Formation of Stars and Planets and the Evolution of the Solar System", Friedrichshafen, W. Germany. ESA SP-315, 113-120. pdf version

  33. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1990), "Submillimeter Photometry of Comets", in Proc. 29th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, Liege, Belgium, ESA SP-314.

  34. D. C. Jewitt (1991), "Planetary Astronomy with Infrared Arrays", in Astrophysics with Infrared Arrays, edited by Richard Elston, A.S.P. Conference Series Vol. 14, pp. 323-328.

  35. D. C. Jewitt (1991), "Cometary Photometry", invited review for Comets In The Post - Halley Era, eds. R. Newburn, M. Neugebauer and J. Rahe. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands. pp. 19 - 65. pdf version

  36. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1992), "Submillimeter Continuum Observations of 2060 Chiron", Astronomical Journal, 104, 398-404. pdf version

  37. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1992), "High Resolution Surface Brightness Profiles of Near-Earth Asteroids", Icarus, 97, 276-287. pdf version

  38. J. X. Luu and D. C. Jewitt (1992), Near-Aphelion CCD Photometry of Comet P/Schwassmann Wachmann 2, Astronomical Journal, 104, 2243-2249. pdf version

  39. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1992), Submillimeter Continuum Emission from Comets, Icarus, 100, 187-196. pdf version

  40. D. C. Jewitt (1992), "Application of Robotic Telescopes to the Physical Investigation of Comets", Invited review for "Symposium on Robotic Telescopes in the 1990's", edited by A. Filippenko, A. S. P. Conference Series, Vol 34, San Francisco, pp. 183-191.

  41. D. C. Jewitt (1992), "Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei". Invited review, Proceedings of the 30th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, edited by A. Brahic, J.-C. Gerard and J. Surdej, Univ. Liege Press, Liege, pp. 85-112. pdf version

  42. J. X. Luu, and D. C. Jewitt (1993), "Continued Activity in Chiron". Lenggries Workshop on Activity in Distant Comets, South West Research Institute, San Antonio, 44-53.

  43. D. C. Jewitt (1993), "Three Trans-Jovian Comets". Lenggries Workshop on Activity in Distant Comets, South West Research Institute, San Antonio, 64-73.

  44. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1993), "Discovery of the Candidate Kuiper Belt Object 1992 QB1". Nature, 362, 730-732. pdf version

  45. J. Annis, and D. C. Jewitt (1993), "A Search for Cold Dust in Clusters of Galaxies with Cooling Flows", Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc., 264, 593-596. pdf version

  46. D. C. Jewitt (1994), "Heat from Pluto", Astronomical Journal, 107, 372-378. pdf version

  47. J. Chen and D. Jewitt (1994), "On The Rate At Which Comets Split", Icarus, 108, 265-271. pdf version

  48. D. C. Jewitt (1994), "Submillimeter Constraints on Dust Near Lindroos' Post T-Tauri Stars", Astronomical Journal, 108, 661-665. pdf version

  49. J. X. Luu, D. C. Jewitt and E. Cloutis (1994). "Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Primitive Solar System Objects", Icarus, 109, 133-144. pdf version

  50. M. Senay and D. Jewitt (1994), "Activity in a Distant Comet: First Detection of Carbon Monoxide", Nature, 371, 229-231. pdf version

  51. D. C. Jewitt (1994), "Overview of Planets and their Atmospheres", in Topics in Atmospheric and Interstellar Physics and Chemistry, edited by C. Boutron, Les Editions de Physique, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-15.

  52. D. C. Jewitt and J. X. Luu (1995), "The Solar System Beyond Neptune", Astronomical Journal, 109, 1867-1876.pdf version

  53. D. C. Jewitt (1995), "Pre-Impact Observations of P/Shoemaker-Levy 9", in Proceedings of the European SL-9/Jupiter Workshop, eds. R. West and H. Boehnhardt, European Southern Observatory Workshop Proceedings No. 52.

  54. P. Kalas and D. Jewitt (1995), "Asymmetries in the Beta Pictoris Dust Disk", Astron. J., 110, 794-804. pdf version

  55. H. Weaver and D. Jewitt (1995), "The String of Pearls", in The Great Comet Crash, eds. J. Spencer and J. Mitton, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 45 - 54.

  56. D. C. Jewitt (1996), "From Comets to Asteroids: When Hairy Stars Go Bald", invited review for the meeting "Small Bodies and their Interactions with the Planets", held in Mariehamn, Finland, August 8-12 1994, Earth, Moon & Planets, 72, 185-201. pdf version

  57. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (1996), "Reflection Spectrum of the Kuiper Belt Object 1993 SC", Astron. J., 111, 499-503.

  58. P. Kalas and D. Jewitt (1996), "The Detectability of Beta Pictoris-type Circumstellar Disks Around Nearby Main-Sequence Stars", Astron. J., 111, 1347-1355. pdf version

  59. D. Jewitt (1996), "Debris from Comet P/Swift-Tuttle", Astron. J., 111, 1713-1717. pdf version

  60. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (1996). The Kuiper Belt. Scientific American. pdf version

  61. D. Jewitt, M. Senay and H. Matthews (1996), "Observations of Carbon Monoxide in Comet Hale-Bopp", SCIENCE, 271, 1110-1113 pdf version

  62. D. Jewitt, J. Luu and J. Chen (1996), "The Mauna Kea - Cerro Tololo (MKCT) Kuiper Belt and Centaur Survey", Astron. J., 112, 1225-1238.pdf version

  63. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (1996), "Color Diversity Among the Centaurs and Kuiper Belt Objects", Astron. J., 112, 2310. pdf version

  64. D. Jewitt and H. Matthews (1997), " Submillimeter Continuum Observations of Comet Hyakutake (1996 B2)", Astron. J., 113, 1145-1151 pdf version

  65. P. Kalas and D. Jewitt (1997). "A candidate dust disk surrounding the binary stellar system BD +31 643", Nature, vol. 386, 52.

  66. J. Luu, B. Marsden, D. Jewitt, C. Trujillo, C. Hergenrother, J. Chen and W. Offutt (1997). "A New Dynamical Class of Object in the Outer Solar System". Nature, 387, 573. pdf version

  67. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (1997). "The Kuiper Belt". Invited review for the Stardust to Planetesimals Symposium, held Santa Clara, California, June 24-26 1996. Edited by Y. Pendleton and A. Tielens, San Francisco, pp. 335-345. pdf version

  68. D. Jewitt, H. E. Matthews, T. Owen and R. Meier (1997). "Measurements of 12C/13C, 14N/15N and 32S/34S Ratios in Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1)". Science, 278, 90-93. pdf version.

  69. R. Meier, T. Owen, H. Matthews, D. Jewitt, D. Bockelee-Morvan, N. Biver, J. Crovisier and D. Gautier. (1998). A Determination of the HDO/H2O Ratio in Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp). Science, 279, 842-844. pdf version

  70. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (1998). "Optical and Infrared Reflectance Spectrum of Kuiper Belt Object 1996 TL66", Ap. J., 494, L117

  71. W. Irvine, E. Bergin, J. Dickens, D. Jewitt, A. Lovell, H. Matthews, F. Schloerb, and M. Senay. (1998). Chemical Processing in the Coma as the Source of Cometary HNC. Nature, 393, 547-550. pdf version

  72. R. Meier, T. Owen, D. Jewitt, H. Matthews, M. Senay, N. Biver, D. Bockelee-Morvan, J. Crovisier and D. Gautier (1998). "Deuterium in Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp): Detection of DCN". Science, 279, 1707- 1710. pdf version

  73. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (1998). "Optical-Infrared Spectral Diversity in the Kuiper Belt". Astronomical Journal, 115, 1667-1670. pdf version

  74. C. Trujillo, and D. Jewitt (1998). "A Semi-Automated Sky Survey for Slow Moving Objects Suitable for a Pluto Express Mission Encounter". Astronomical Journal, 115, 1680-1687. pdf verison

  75. D. Jewitt, J. Luu and C. Trujillo (1998). "Large Kuiper Belt Objects: The Mauna Kea 8k CCD Survey". Astronomical Journal, 115, 2125-2135. pdf version

  76. D. Jewitt and P. Kalas (1998). "Thermal Observations of Centaur 1997 CU26", Ap. J. Lett., 499, L103-106. pdf version

  77. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (1998). "Deep Imaging of the Kuiper Belt with the Keck 10-m Telescope". Ap. J. Lett., 502, L91-94. pdf version

  78. D. Jewitt and H. Matthews (1999). "Particulate Mass Loss from Comet Hale-Bopp". Astron. J., 117, 1056-1062. pdf version

  79. D. Jewitt (1999). "Kuiper Belt Objects". Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 27, 287-312. pdf version

  80. D. Jewitt (1999). "The Kuiper Belt". Physics World, 12, 7, 37-41.

  81. D. Jewitt (1999). "Cometary Rotation: An Overview". Moon and Planets, 79, 35-53. pdf version

  82. C. Trujillo, D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2000). . "Population of the Scattered Kuiper Belt". Ap. J. Lett., 529, L103-106. pdf version

  83. D. Jewitt (2000). "Eyes Wide Shut". Nature, 403, 145-147. pdf version

  84. J. Luu, D. Jewitt and C. Trujillo (2000). . "Water Ice in 2060 Chiron and Its Implications for Centaurs and Kuiper-Belt Objects. Ap. J. Lett, 531, L151. pdf version

  85. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2000). Physical Nature of the Kuiper Belt. In Protostars and Planets IV, edited by V. Mannings, A. Boss and S. Russell, University of Arizona Press, Tucson. pp:1201-1229.

  86. D. Jewitt, C. Trujillo and J. Luu (2000). "Population and Size Distribution of Small Jovian Trojan Asteroids". Astron. J., 120, 1140-1147. pdf version

  87. J. Li, D. Jewitt, B. LaBonte (2000). "The Nature of Solar Polar Rays". Ap. J. Lett., 539, L67-70. pdf version

  88. S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt, C. Trujillo, M. Brown and M. Ashley (2000). "Wide-Field CCD Survey For Bright Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs", Astron. J., 120, 2687-2694. pdf version

  89. A. Fitzsimmons, D. Jewitt and R. West (Editors) (2000). Observations of Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System. Springer-Verlag Press.

  90. D. Jewitt (2000). Kuiper Belt: Overview. In Observations of Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System. eds: A. Fitzsimmons, D. Jewitt and R. West, Springer-Verlag Press. pdf version

  91. C. Trujillo, D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2000). Properties of the Trans-Neptunian Belt: Statistics From the CFHT Survey. Astronomical Journal, 122, 457-473. local pdf and ps versions.

  92. Y. Fernandez, D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2001). Low Albedos of Extinct Comet Nucleus Candidates. Ap. J. Lett., 553, L197-200. pdf version

  93. D. Jewitt and Y. Fernandez (2001). Physical Properties of Planet-Crossing Objects. In Collisional Processes in the Solar System. ed. H. Rickman and M. Marov. Astrophysics and Space Science Library Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 143-161.

  94. D. Jewitt, H. Aussel, and A. Evans (2001). The Size and Albedo of the Kuiper Belt Object (20000) Varuna. Nature, 411, 446-447. pdf version

  95. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2001). Colors and Spectra of Kuiper Belt Objects. Astronomical Journal, 122, 2099-2114. pdf version

  96. D. Jewitt and Y. Fernandez (2002). Physical Properties of NEOS: The UH-AEOS Program. 2001 AMOS Technical Conference, Published by Maui Economic Development Board, pp. 359-365.

  97. Y. Fernandez, D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2002). Thermal Properties of Centaurs Asbolus and Chiron. Astronomical Journal, 123, 1050-1055. pdf version

  98. D. Jewitt (2002). From Kuiper Belt Object to Cometary Nucleus: The Missing Ultra-Red Matter. Astronomical Journal, 123, 1039-1049. pdf version

  99. Kalas, P., Graham, J., Beckwith, S., Jewitt, D., and Lloyd, J. (2002). Discovery of Reflection Nebulosity Around Five Vega Excess Stars. Ap. J., 567, 999-1012. pdf version

  100. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (2002). Kuiper Belt. Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 40, 63-101. pdf version

  101. D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2002). Rotation and Shape of Trans-Neptunian Object (20000) Varuna. Astron. J., 123, 2110-2120. pdf version

  102. S. Sheppard and D. Jewitt (2002). Time-Resolved Photometry of Kuiper Belt Objects: Rotations, Shapes and Phase Functions. Astronomical Journal, 124, 1757-1775. ps and pdf version

  103. D. Jewitt (2002). The Kuiper Belt As An Evolved Circumstellar Disk. In The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View. Eds. J. Alves and M. McCaughrean, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 405-415. ps version

  104. D. Jewitt (2002). From Kuiper Belt to Comet Nucleus. In: Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors - ACM 2002. International Conference, 29 July - 2 August 2002, Berlin, Germany. Ed. Barbara Warmbein. ESA SP-500. Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-810-7, 2002, p. 11 - 19 pdf version

  105. D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard and Y. Fernandez (2003). 143P/Kowal-Mrkos and the Shapes of Cometary Nuclei. Astron. J., 125, 3366-3377. ps version and pdf version

  106. S. Sheppard and D. Jewitt (2003). An Abundant Population of Small Irregular Satellites Around Jupiter. Nature, 423, 261-263. pdf version

  107. Y. Fernandez, S. Sheppard and D. Jewitt (2003). The Albedo Distribution of Jovian Trojan Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 126:1563-1574. pdf version

  108. D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2004). The Nucleus of 48P/Johnson. Astron. J. 127, 1784-1790. pdf version

  109. H. Hsieh, D. Jewitt and Y. Fernandez (2004). A Comet Amongst the Asteroids: The Strange Case of 133P/Elst-Pizarro. Astronomical Journal, 127, 2997-3017. pdf version

  110. S. Sheppard and D. Jewitt (2004). Extreme Kuiper Belt Object 2001 QG298 and the Fraction of Contact Binaries. Astronomical Journal, 127, 3023-3033. pdf version

  111. D. Jewitt (2004). Project Pan-STARRS and the Outer Solar System. Earth, Moon and Planets, 92, 465-476. pdf version

  112. S. Sheppard and D. Jewitt (2004). "Hawaii Kuiper Belt Variability Project: An Update" Earth, Moon and Planets, 92, 207-219. pdf version

  113. D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard and C. Porco (2004). Jupiter's Outer Satellites and Trojans. Invited review for JUPITER, edited by Fran Bagenal, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ps version pdf version

  114. S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt and J. Kleyna (2004). A Survey for Outer Satellites of Mars: Limits to Completeness. Astronomical Journal, 128, 2542-2546 pdf version

  115. D. Jewitt (2004). Looking Through the HIPPO: The Nucleus and Coma of 2P/Encke, Astronomical Journal, 128, 3061-3069. pdf version

  116. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2004). Crystalline Water Ice in Kuiper Belt Object (50000) Quaoar. Nature, 432, 731-733. pdf version

  117. D. Jewitt (2005). A First Look at the Damocloids. Astronomical Journal, 129, 530-538. pdf version

  118. D. Jewitt (2005) . From Cradle to Grave: The Rise and Demise of the Comets. In COMETS II, edited by M. Festou, H. Weaver and U. Keller. Univ. Az. Press, Tucson. pdf version

  119. S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt and J. Kleyna (2005). Ultradeep Survey for Irregular Satellites of Uranus: Limits to Completeness. Astronomical Journal, 129, 518-525. pdf version

  120. D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2005). Irregular Satellites in the Context of Giant Planet Formation. ISSI Conference on the Outer Solar System. Ed. R. Kallenbach, Space Sci. Rev. 116, 441-456. pdf version

  121. H. Hsieh and D. Jewitt (2005). Search for Activity in (3200) Phaethon. Ap. J., 624, 1093-1096. pdf version

  122. Y. Fernandez, D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2005). Albedos of Asteroids in Comet-Like Orbits. Astron. J., 130, 308-318. pdf version

  123. A. Delsanti and D. Jewitt (2006). The Solar System Beyond the Planets. In Solar System Update, edited by Ph. Blondel and J. Mason, Springer-Praxis, Germany, pp. 267-294. pdf version

  124. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. Kaiser (2006). Formation of Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen Peroxide in Electron Irradiated Crystalline Water Ice. Ap. J., 639, 534-548. pdf version

  125. H. Hsieh and D. Jewitt (2006). Active Asteroids: Mystery in the Main Belt. In Asteroids, Comets Meteors 2005, IAU Symp. 229, edited by D. Lazzaro, S. Ferraz-Mello and J. Fernandez, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 425-438.

  126. D. Jewitt (2006). Comet D/1819 W1 (Blanpain): Not Dead Yet. Astron. J. 131, 2327-2331. pdf version

  127. S. Sheppard, D. Jewitt and J. Kleyna (2006). A Survey for ``Normal'' Irregular Satellites Around Neptune: Limits to Completeness. Astronomical Journal, 132, 171-176. pdf version

  128. H. Hsieh and D. Jewitt (2006). A Population of Comets in the Main Asteroid Belt. Science, 312, 561-563. pdf version and see also the Nature commentary on this paper by Alan Fitzsimmons pdf version

  129. D. Jewitt and H. Hsieh (2006). Physical Observations of 2005 UD: A Mini Phaethon. Astronomical Journal, 132, 1624-1629. pdf version

  130. D. Jewitt, S. Sheppard and J. Kleyna. (2006). The Strangest Satellites in the Solar System. Scientific American, August issue, pp. 40-47. pdf version

  131. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. Kaiser. (2006). Temperature Dependence of the Formation of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide in Electron-Irradiated Crystalline Water Ice. Astrophysical Journal, 648, 753-761. pdf version

  132. D. Jewitt, L. Chizmadia, R. Grimm and D. Prialnik (2007). Water in Small Bodies of the Solar System. Protostars and Planets V, B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, and K. Keil (eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, p.863-878 pdf version

  133. R. Mann, D. Jewitt and P. Lacerda (2007). Fraction of Contact Binary Trojan Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 134, 1133-1144. pdf version

  134. P. Lacerda and D. Jewitt (2007). Densities of solar system objects from their rotational lightcurves. Astronomical Journal, 133, 1393-1408. pdf version

  135. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2007). On Pluto, Perception and Planetary Politics. Daedalus, 136, 132-136. pdf version

  136. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. Kaiser (2007). Electron Irradiation of Crystalline and Amorphous D2O Ice. Chem. Phys. Letters 435, 289-294.

  137. D. Jewitt and N. Haghighipour (2007). Irregular Satellites of the Planets: Products of Capture in the Early Solar System. Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 45, 261-295. pdf version and also another pdf version

  138. B. Yang and D. Jewitt (2007). Spectroscopic Search for Water Ice on Jovian Trojan Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 134, 223-228. pdf version

  139. D. Jewitt, N. Peixinho and H. Hsieh (2007). U-Band Photometry of Kuiper Belt Objects. Astronomical Journal, 134, 2046-2053. pdf version

  140. D. Jewitt (2008). Foreword to Trans-Neptunian Objects, (ed. A. Barucci), Un iv Az. Press, Tucson. pdf version

  141. D. Jewitt, C. Garland and H. Aussel (2008). Deep Search for Carbon Monoxide in Cometary Precursors Using Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. Astronomical Journal, 135, 400-407. pdf version

  142. D. Jewitt (2008). Kuiper Belt and Comets: An Observational Perspective. In Trans-Neptunian Objects and Comets. Saas Fee Advanced Courses (eds. K. Altwegg et al). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg pp. 1-78. pdf version. To get the whole Book it looks like you have to buy it, here

  143. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt, Y. Osamura and R. Kaiser (2008). Formation of Nitrogen and Hydrogen-Bearing Molecules in Solid Ammonia. Astrophysical Journal, 674, 1242-1250. pdf version

  144. P. Lacerda, D. Jewitt and N. Peixinho (2008). High Precision Photometry of Extreme KBO 2003 EL61. Astronomical Journal, 135, 1749-1756. pdf version

  145. H. Hsieh, D. Jewitt and M. Ishiguro (2009). Physical Properties of Main-Belt Comet P/2005 U1 (Read). Astronomical Journal, 137, 157-168. pdf version

  146. T. Kasuga and D. Jewitt (2008). Observations of 1999 YC and the Breakup of the Geminid Stream Parent. Astronomical Journal, 136, 881-889. pdf version

  147. N. Haghighipour and D. Jewitt (2008). A Region Void of Irreglar Satellites Around Jupiter. Astronomical Journal, 136, 909-918. pdf version

  148. N. Peixinho, P. Lacerda and D. Jewitt (2008). Color-Inclination Relation of the Classical Kuiper Belt Objects. Astronomical Journal, 136, 1837-1845. pdf version

  149. D. Jewitt (2009). Six Hot Topics in Planetary Astronomy. Invited chapter for Small Bodies in Planetary Systems, [eds. Ingrid Mann, Akiko Nakamura and T adashi Mukai], Lecture Notes in Physics Volume 758, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 259-296 pdf version. You can get the whole book here (highly recommended).

  150. H. Hsieh, D. Jewitt and Y. Fernandez (2009). Albedos of Main-Belt Comets 133P/Elst-Pizarro and 176P/LINEAR. Ap. J. Lett., 694, L111-L114 pdf version.

  151. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. Kaiser (2009). Infrared Spectra of Ammonia-Water Ices. Ap. J. Supp., 181, 53-61. pdf version

  152. D. Jewitt (2009). The Active Centaurs. Astronomical Journal, 137, 4296-4312. pdf version

  153. D. Jewitt, B. Yang and N. Haghighipour (2009). Main-Belt Comet P/2008 R1 (Garradd). Astronomical Journal, 137, 4313-4321. pdf version

  154. D. Jewitt, A. Moro-Martin and P. Lacerda (2009). The Kuiper Belt and Other Debris Disks. Astrophysics in the Next Decade (book), (eds: H. Thronson, M. Stiavelli and A. Tielens). Springer Publishing Company. pdf version - Whole book available here

  155. W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. Kaiser (2009). On the State of Water Ice on Saturn's Moon Titan and Implications to Icy Bodies in the Outer Solar Sytem. pdf version

  156. Y. Fernandez, D. Jewitt and J. Ziffer (2009). Albedos of Small Jovian Trojans. Astron. J., 138, 240-250. pdf version

  157. B. Yang, D. Jewitt and S. Bus (2009). Comet 17P/Holmes in Outburst: The Near Infrared Spectrum. Astronomical Journal, 137, 4538-4546. pdf version

  158. D. Jewitt (2009). Icy Bodies in the New Solar System. Proceedings of IAU Symposium 263 "ICY BODIES IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM", Julio Fernandez et al. (eds). Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 263, p. 3-16, Cambridge University Press. pdf version

  159. H. Hsieh, D. Jewitt, P. Lacerda, S. Lowry and C. Snodgrass (2010). The Return of Activity on Main-Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro. MNRAS, 403, 363-377. pdf version

  160. R. Stevenson, J. Kleyna and D. Jewitt (2010). Transient Fragments in Outbursting Comet 17P/Holmes. Astronomical Journal, 139, 2230-2240. pdf version

  161. B. Yang and D. Jewitt (2010). Identification of Magnetite in B-Type Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 140, 692-698. pdf version.

  162. D. Jewitt (2010). What Else is Out There? Sky and Telescope, March issue, pp. 20 - 24. pdf version

  163. D. Jewitt (2010). The Discovery of the Kuiper Belt. Astronomy Beat, Astronomical Society of the Pacific. May 2010. pdf version

  164. D. Jewitt and J. Li (2010). Activity in Geminid Parent (3200) Phaethon. Astronomical Journal, 140, 1519. pdf version

  165. D. Jewitt, H. Weaver, J. Agarwal, M. Mutchler and M. Drahus (2010). Newly Disrupted Main Belt Asteroid P/2010 A2. Nature, 467, 817-819. pdf version Supplementary information.

  166. J. Li, D. Jewitt, J. Clover and B. Jackson (2011). Outburst of Comet 17P/Holmes Observed With The Solar Mass Ejection Imager. Astrophysical Journal, 728, 31. pdf version.

  167. B. Yang and D. Jewitt (2011). A Near-Infrared Search for Silicates in Jovian Trojan Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 141, 95-102. pdf version.

  168. M. Drahus, D. Jewitt, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, W. Waniak, J. Hoge, D. Lis, H. Yoshida and R. Peng (2011). Rotation State of Comet 103P/Hartley 2 from Radio Spectroscopy at 1-mm. Ap. J. Lett., 734, L4. pdf version

  169. D. Jewitt, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler, S. Larson and J. Agarwal (2011). Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Main Belt Comet (596) Scheila. Ap. J. Lett., 733, L4 pdf version

  170. H. Hsieh, P. Lacerda, M. Ishiguro and D. Jewitt (2011). Physical Properties of Main-Belt Comet 176P/LINEAR. Astronomical Journal, 142:29. pdf version

  171. D. Jewitt, S. Stuart and J. Li (2011). Prediscovery Observations of Disrupting Asteroid P/2010 A2. Astronomical Journal, 142:28. pdf version

  172. A. Guilbert-Lepoutre and D. Jewitt (2011). Thermal Shadows and Compositional Structure in Comet Nuclei. Ap. J. 743, 31 pdf version

  173. D. Jewitt and A. Guilbert-Lepoutre (2012). Limits to Ice on Asteroids (24) Themis and (65) Cybele. Astron. J. 143, 21 pdf version

  174. M. Drahus, D. Jewitt, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, W. Waniak and S. Sievers (2012). The Sources of HCN and CH3OH in Comet 103P/Hartley 2. Ap. J., 756, 80 pdf version

  175. D. Jewitt (2012). The Active Asteroids. Astron. J., 143, 66 pdf version

  176. R. Stevenson and D. Jewitt (2012). Near-Nucleus Photometry of Outbursting Comet 17P/Holmes. Astron. J., 144, 138 pdf version

  177. P. Lacerda and D. Jewitt (2012). Extinction in the Coma of Comet P/Holmes. ApJ, 760, L2 pdf version

  178. D. Jewitt, M. Ishiguro and J. Agarwal (2013). Large Particles in Active Asteroid P/2010 A2. Ap. J. Letters, 764, L5 (6pp) pdf version

  179. D. Jewitt (2013). Properties of Near-Sun Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 145, 133(6pp) pdf version

  180. J. Agarwal, D. Jewitt and H. Weaver (2013). Dynamics of Large Fragments in the Tail of Active Asteroid P/2010 A2. Astrophysical Journal, 769, 46(10pp) pdf version

  181. J. Li and D. Jewitt (2013). Recurrent Perihelion Activity in (3200) Phaethon. Astronomical Journal, 145, 154;(9pp) pdf version

  182. D. Jewitt, J. Li and J. Agarwal (2013). The Dust Tail of Asteroid (3200) Phaethon. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 771; L36(5pp) pdf version

  183. D. Jewitt (2013). Mysterious Travelers. In Sky and Telescope, December 2013 issue, pp.18-24. pdf version

  184. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2013). The Extraordinary Multi-Tailed Main-Belt Comet P/2013 P5. Astrophysical Journal, 778:L21 (4pp) pdf version

  185. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, J. Li, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2014). Disintegrating Asteroid P/2013 R3. Astrophysical Journal, 784:L8 (5pp) pdf version

  186. D. Jewitt, M. Ishiguro, H. Weaver, J. Agarwal, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2014). Hubble Space Telescope Investigation of Main-Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro. Astronomical Journal, 147, 5 pdf version

  187. M. Ishiguro, D. Jewitt, H. Hanayama, F. Usui, T. Sekiguchi, K. Yanagisawa, D. Kuroda, M. Yoshida, K. Ohta, N. Kawai, T. Miyayi, H. Fukushima and J. Watanabe. (2014). Outbursting Comet P/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami): A Miniature Comet Holmes. Astronomical Journal, 787:55(11pp) pdf version

  188. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2015). Episodic Ejection from Active Asteroid 311P/PanStarrs, Ap. J., 798:109 (12pp) pdf version

  189. C. Qi, M. Hogerheijde, D. Jewitt, M. Gurwell and D. Wilner (2015). Peculiar Near-Nucleus Outgassing of Comet 17P/Holmes During its 2007 Outburst, Ap. J., 799, 102 pdf version

  190. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, N. Peixinho, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler, M. Hui, J. Li and S. Larson (2015). New Active Asteroid 313P/Gibbs. Astronomical Journal, 149:81 (9pp) pdf version

  191. D. Jewitt (2015). When the Dust has Settled. Nature Physics, 11, 96-97. pdf version

  192. D. Jewitt and E. Young (2015). Oceans from the Skies. Scientific American, March 2015, pp. 36-43. pdf version

  193. M. Drahus, W. Waniak, S. Tendulkar, J. Agarwal, D. Jewitt and S. Sheppard (2015). Fast Rotation and Trailing Fragments of the Active Asteroid P/2012 F5 (Gibbs). Ap. J. Letters, 802:L8(6pp) pdf version

  194. M. Hui and D. Jewitt (2015). Archival Observations of Active Asteroid 313P/Gibbs. Astronomical Journal, 149:134(8pp) pdf version

  195. J. Li and D. Jewitt (2015). Disappearance of Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin): Gone with a Whimper, Not a Bang. Astronomical Journal, 149:133(13pp) pdf version

  196. D. Jewitt, J. Li, J. Agarwal, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2015). Nucleus and Mass Loss in Active Asteroid 313P/Gibbs, The Astronomical Journal, 1 50:76(12pp) pdf version

  197. D. Jewitt, H. Hsieh and J. Agarwal (2015). The Active Asteroids, ASTEROIDS IV, Univ. Az. Space Science Series, eds: P. Michel, F. DeMeo and W. Bottke, pp. 221-241. pdf version

  198. T. Kasuga and D. Jewitt (2015). Physical Observations of (196256) 2003EH1, Presumed Parent of the Quadrantid Meteoroid Stream. Astronomical Journal, 150:152 (10pp) pdf version

  199. D. Jewitt (2015). Having a Look. In the compendium We Discover edited by Marc Guttman, a very cool e-book. pdf version and Order here

  200. D. Jewitt (2015). The Kuiper Belt. The Sky at Night, BBC Magazine, November issue

  201. D. Jewitt (2015). Color Systematics of Comets and Related Bodies. The Astronomical Journal, 150, 201(18pp) pdf version

  202. J. Agarwal, D. Jewitt, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler and S. Larson (2016). Hubble and Keck Telescope Observations of Active Asteroid 288P/300163 (2006 VW139). Astronomical Journal, 151:12 (11pp) pdf version

  203. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler, J. Li and S. Larson (2016). Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Active Asteroid 324P/La Sagra. Astronomical Journal, 152:77 (9pp) pdf version

  204. D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver, M. Hui, J. Agarwal, M. Ishiguro, J. Kleyna, J. Li, K. Meech, M. Micheli, R. Wainscoat, and R. Weryk (2016). Fragmentation Kinematics in Comet 332P/Ikeya-Murakami. Ap. J., 829:L8(6pp) pdf version

  205. M. Drahus, B. Yang, D. Lis and D. Jewitt (2017). New Limits to CO Outgassing in Centaurs. MNRAS, 468 2897-2909. pdf version

  206. M. Hui and D. Jewitt (2017). Non-Gravitational Acceleration of the Active Asteroids. Astronomical Journal, 153:80 pdf version

  207. M. Hui, D. Jewitt and X. Du (2017). Split Active Asteroid P/2016 J1. Astronomical Journal, 153:141 pdf version

  208. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, J. Li, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler, S. Larson (2017). Anatomy of an Asteroid Break-Up: The Case of P/2013 R3. Astronomical Journal, 153:223(17pp). pdf version

  209. J. Agarwal, D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver, S. Larson (2017). A Binary Main-Belt Comet. Nature, 549, 357. pdf version

  210. D. Jewitt, M. Hui, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver, J. Li, J. Agarwal (2017) A Comet Active Beyond the Crystallization Zone. Ap.J.Lett., 847, L19. pdf version

  211. M. Hui, D. Jewitt and D. Clark (2018). Prediscovery Observations and Orbit of Comet C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS). Astronomical Journal, 155:25(9pp) pdf version

  212. D. Jewitt, J. Luu, J. Rajagopal, R. Kotulla, S. Ridgway, W. Liu and T. Augusteijn (2017). Interstellar Interloper 1I/2017 U1: Observations from the NOT and WIYN Telescopes. Ap.J. Letters, 850:L36(7pp) pdf version

  213. D. Jewitt (2018). The Trojan Color Conundrum. Astronomical Journal, 155:56 pdf version

  214. A. Graykowski and D. Jewitt (2018). Colors and Shapes of the Irregular Planetary Satellites. The Astronomical Journal, 155:184(10pp) pdf version

  215. D. Jewitt, H. Weaver, M. Mutchler, J. Li, J. Agarwal, and S. Larson (2018). The Nucleus of Active Asteroid 311P/(2013 P5) PANSTARRS. The Astronomical Journal, 155:231(11pp) pdf version

  216. D. Jewitt (2018). Some Remarks About Solar System Structure, Models, Observations and Wing Ip. Serendipities in the Solar System, ASP Conference Series, Volume 513, eds. C-M Ko, C-K Chang, P-C Yu, page 33 pdf version

  217. D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, J. Agarwal and J. Li (2018). Hubble Space Telescope Observations of 3200 Phaethon At Closest Approach. Astronomical Journal, 156:238(7pp) pdf version

  218. T. Kasuga and D. Jewitt. (2019). Asteroid-Meteoroid Complexes. (eds:) G. Ryabova, D. Asher and M. Campbell-Brown. Cambridge University Press, pdf version

  219. D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, M. Hui, J. Li, M. Mutchler and H. Weaver (2019). Distant Comet C/2017 K2 and the Cohesion Bottleneck. The Astronomical Journal, 157:65 (11pp). pdf version

  220. D. Jewitt, Yoonyoung Kim, Jayadev Rajagopal, Susan Ridgway, Ralf Kotulla, Wilson Liu, Max Mutchler, Jing Li, Harold Weaver, and Stephen Larson (2019). Active Asteroid P/2017 S5 (ATLAS). The Astronomical Journal, 157:54 (8pp). pdf version

  221. D. Jewitt, Yoonyoung Kim, Jane Luu, Ariel Graykowski (2019), The Discus Comet: C/2014 B1. The Astronomical Journal, 157:103(11pp). pdf version

  222. D. Jewitt, D. Asmus, B. Yang and J. Li (2019). High Resolution Thermal Infrared Imaging of 3200 Phaethon. Astronomical Journal, 157:193(9pp). pdf version

  223. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim, J. Luu, J. Rajagopal, R. Kotulla, S. Ridgway, and W. Liu (2019). Episodically Active Asteroid 6478 Gault. Astronomical Journal, 876:L19(11pp) pdf version

  224. A. Graykowski and D. Jewitt (2019). Fragmented Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. The Astronomical Journal, 158:112(7pp). pdf version

  225. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2019a). Disintegrating In-Bound Long-Period Comet C/2019 J2. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 883:L28(6pp). pdf version

  226. Xiaoping Lu and David Jewitt (2019). Dependence of Lightcurves on Phase Angle and Asteroid Shape. Astronomical Journal, 158:220(6pp). pdf version

  227. D. Jewitt and J. Luu (2019b). Initial Characterization of Interstellar Comet 2I/2019 Q4 (Borisov). Astrophysical Journal Letters, 886:L29 (6pp) pdf version

  228. D. Jewitt, M. Hui, Y. Kim, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver and J. Agarwal (2020). The Nucleus of Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov. ApJLetters, 888:L23(8pp) pdf version

  229. D. Jewitt (2020a). A Deep Dive into the Abyss. Science, 367, 980 pdf version

  230. J. Li, D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, J.Agarwal and H. Weaver (2020). Hubble Space Telescope Search for Activity in High Perihelion Objects. The Astronomical Journal, 159:209 (13pp). pdf version

  231. Y. Kim, D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, J.Agarwal, M. Hui and H. Weaver (2020). Coma Anisotropy and the Rotation Pole of Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov. Ap. J. Letters, 895:L34 (8pp). pdf version

  232. J. Agarwal, Y. Kim, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver, and S. Larson (2020). Component Properties and Mutual Orbit of the Binary Main-Belt Comet 288P/(30163) 2006 VW139, Astron. Ap., 643, id.A152, 38 pp pdf version

  233. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim, M. Mutchler, H. Weaver, J.Agarwal and M. Hui (2020). Outburst and Splitting of Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov. The Astrophysical Journal, 896:L39 (9pp) pdf version

  234. D. Jewitt (2020). 138175 (2000 EE104) and the Source of Interplanetary Field Enhancements. Planetary Science Journal, 1:33 (7pp). pdf version

  235. D. Jewitt and A. Moro-Martin (2020). Interstellar Interlopers. Scientific American, October issue, pp.42 - 49. pdf version

  236. D. Jewitt and Y. Kim (2020). Outbursting Quasi-Hilda Asteroid P/2010 H2. Planetary Science Journal, 1:77(12pp) pdf version

  237. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim. M. Mutchler, J. Agarwal, J. Li and H. Weaver (2021). Cometary Activity Begins at Kuiper Belt Distances: Evidence from C/2017 K2. Astronomical Journal, 161:188 (11pp) pdf version

  238. J. Luu, D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, J. Agarwal, Y. Kim, J. Li and H. Weaver (2021). Rotational Mass Shedding from Asteroid (6478) Gault Astronomical Journal, 910, L27 (9pp) pdf version

  239. D. Jewitt, (2021). Systematics and Consequences of Comet Nucleus Outgassing Torques. Astronomical Journal, 161:262 (12pp) pdf version

  240. Q. Ye et al. (2021). Disintegration of Long-Period Comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS). Astronomical Journal, 162:70(13pp) pdf version

  241. B. Yang, D. Jewitt, Y. Zhao, X. Jiang, Q. Ye and Y, Chen (2021). Discovery of Carbon Monoxide in Distant Comet C/2017 K2 (Panstarrs). Ap. J. Lett., 914, L17(4pp) pdf version

  242. N. Bouziani and D Jewitt (2021). Cometary Activity Beyond the Planets. Astrophysical Journal, 924:37 (12pp) pdf version

  243. D. Jewitt, J. Li and Y. Kim (2021). Fragmenting Active Asteroid 331P/Gibbs. Astronomical Journal, 162:268(14pp) pdf version

  244. M. Hui, D. Jewitt, Yu, L. and Mutchler, M. (2022). Hubble Space Telescope Detection of the Nucleus of Comet C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein). Astrophysical Journal Letters, 929:L12(7pp) pdf version

  245. Y. Kim, D. Jewitt, J. Agarwal, M. Mutchler, J. Li and H. Weaver. (2022). Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Active Asteroid P/2020 O1 (Lemmon-Panstarrs). ApJLett, 933:L15 pdf version

  246. D. Jewitt. (2022). Destruction of Long Period Comets. AJ, 164:158(9pp) pdf version

  247. Y. Kim, J. Agarwal, D. Jewitt, M. Mutchler, S. Larson, H. Weaver and M. Mommert. (2022). Sublimation Origin of Active Asteroid P/2018 P3, Astron. Ap., 666, A163 pdf version

  248. M. Hui and D. Jewitt (2022). Fragment Dynamics in Active Asteroid 331P/Gibbs. AJ, 164:236(10pp) pdf version

  249. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim, M. Mattiazzo, M. Mutchler, J. Li and J. Agarwal (2023). Disintegration of Long-Period Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) Astronomical Journal, 165:122(10pp). pdf version

  250. L. Lara and D. Jewitt (2023). Planetary Systems Now (book), World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd, London (23 March 2023) to buy

  251. Y. Kim, D. Jewitt, J. Luu, J. Li and M. Mutchler (2023). Comet 108P/Ciffreo: The Blob. Astronomical Journal, 165:150(8pp) pdf version

  252. D. Jewitt and D. Seligman (2023). The Interstellar Interlopers. Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 61:197-236 pdf version

  253. C. Zhang + 8 (Jewitt) (2023). Processing of methane and acetylene ices by galactic cosmic rays and implications to the color diversity of Kuiper Belt objects. Science Advances 9, eadg6936 (13 pages) pdf version

  254. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim, J. Li and M. Mutchler (2023). The Dimorphos Boulder Swarm. Ap. J. Letters, 952:L12(10pp) pdf version

  255. D. Jewitt, Y. Kim, J. Li, and M. Mutchler (2023). Physical Properties of the Young Asteroid Pair 2010 UM26 and 2010 RN221. The Astronomical Journal, 166:191 pdf version

  256. Y. Kim and D. Jewitt (2023). A Single Ejection Model of the DART/Dimorphos Debris Trail. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 956:L26. pdf version

  257. J. Li, Y. Jia, Y. Kim and D. Jewitt (2023). Anomalous Tail of Comet C/2020 S3 (Erasmus). The Astronomical Journal, AJ 166 270. pdf version

  258. D. Prialnik and D. Jewitt (2024). Amorphous Ice in Comets: Evidence and Consequences. Comets III, Univ, Arizona Press, Tucson. pdf version

  259. D. Jewitt and H. Hsieh (2024). The Asteroid-Comet Continuum. Comets III, Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. pdf version

  260. D. Jewitt (2024). Interstellar Objects in the Solar System. In Handbook of Exoplanets, H. J. Deeg, J. A. Belmonte (eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. pdf version

  261. J. Luu and D. Jewitt (2024). Continuous Fragmentation of Comet 157P/Tritton. Astronomical Journal, 169:14(8pp) pdf version

  262. D. Jewitt (2025). Non-Gravitational Forces in Planetary Systems. Planetary Science Journal, 6:12(26pp) pdf version

  263. D. Jewitt, J. Luu and J. Li (2025). Demise of Kreutz Sungrazing Comet C/2024 S1 (ATLAS). The Astronomical Journal, 169:105 (10pp) pdf version

