Paper: Evaluation of the InSightSeers and DART Boarders mission observer programmes

The InSight paper “Evaluation of the InSightSeers and DART Boarders mission observer programmes” was just published in Nature Astronomy. You can access it at or view the open-access copy: Citation: Fernando, B., Newman, C., Daubar, I.J. et al. Evaluation of the InSightSeers and DART Boarders mission observer programmes. Nat Astron 8, 1521–1528 (2024).

Another InSight paper submitted

C.B. and former postdoc Jiaqi Li submitted a new paper using data from the InSight mission. Fingers crossed that the review process will not be too long!

Middle School Career Day

Today, C.B. gave presentations to middle school students about what it is like to be a seismologist and a professor as well as how to go about pursuing a career in geosciences.

Congratulations, Jiaqi!

Congratulations to Dr. Jiaqi Li who has been offered a faculty position as Assistant Professor at Peking University! This is very well-deserved. Good luck with your new adventures!!

Paper Submission

A paper entitled “Azimuthal Anisotropy From Multimode Waveform Modeling Reveals Layering Within the Antarctica Craton” by Beghein and Xu was submitted to the new journal Seismica for publication. Preprint available at 10.5281/zenodo.8346552


C.B. was promoted to Full Professor!

LPI Webinar

C.B. had a great time presenting her group’s research about Mars to the LPI via Webinar. Her talk was titled “Seismological Constraints on Mars Interior Structure: Results from the InSight Mission”

New Paper

New InSight paper published! Ross Maguire led this work to determine the focal mechanism of marsquake S1222a, the largest quake recorded. Open Access. Maguire, R., Lekić, V., Kim, D., Schmerr, N., Li, J., Beghein, C., et al. (2023). Focal mechanism determination of event S1222a and implications for tectonics near the dichotomy boundary in southern Elysium Planitia, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2023JE007793.

Paper in Nature Communications

Postdoc and lead author, Jiaqi Li, determines the crustal structure at the second seismic anchor point, away from the InSight landing site: Li, J., Beghein, C., McLennan, S.M., Lognonné, P., Horleston, A.C., Charalambous, C., Huang, Q., Zenhäusern, G., Bozdag, E., Pike, T. W., Golombek M., Lekić, V., Lognonné, P., and Banerdt, W. (2022), Second Seismic Anchor …