First detection of surface waves on Mars!

The paper entitled “Surface waves and crustal structure on Mars” by Kim et al. and co-authored by C. Beghein and postdoc J. Li is published in Science!! Kim, D., Banerdt, W., Ceylan, S., Giardini, D., Lekic, V., Lognonné, P., Beghein, C., Beucler, E., et al., Surface Waves and Crustal Structure on Mars, Science, 378, 6618, 417-421, doi:10.1126/science.abq7157

Another InSight paper by Jiaqi Li!

Dr. Jiaqi Li, postdoc in our group, led a paper entitled “Crustal Structure Constraints From the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars” that was just accepted for publication in Earth and Space. Congratulations, Jiaqi! Stay tuned for the link when it becomes available! Li, J., Beghein, C., Davis, P., Wieczorek, M., McLennan, S., Kim, D., Lekic, …

Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight

The paper “Seismic detection of a deep mantle discontinuity within Mars by InSight” led by Quancheng Huang is out! Summary: The depth and sharpness of a midmantle seismic discontinuity, associated with the phase transition from mineral olivine to its higher-pressure polymorphs, provide essential clues to understanding the temperature and composition of Martian mantle. Using data …

EGU Presentation on Mars Anisotropy

C.B. presented our group’s results on the first detection of reflected SH waves and seismic anisotropy in the Martian crust at the EGU meeting (invited talk in session EGU22-5322). Beghein, C., Li, J., Wookey, J., Davis, P., Lognonné, P., Schimmel, M., Stutzmann, E., Golombek, M., Montagner, J.-P., and Banerdt, W.: Constraining Seismic Anisotropy on Mars: …

New InSight paper accepted!

The paper entitled “The Far Side of Mars: Two Distant Marsquakes Detected by InSight” by Horleston et al. has been accepted for publication in The Seismic Record. 

Paper accepted!

The paper entitled “3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Mantle Flow in the Transition Zone” led by Quancheng Huang has been accepted for publication in GJI: Huang, Q., Schmerr, N., Beghein, C., Waszek, L., and Maguire, R. (2022), 3-D Synthetic Modeling of Anisotropy Effects on SS Precursors: Implications for Mantle …

Jiaqi Li at his poster


Postdoc Jiaqi Li is the in-person AGU representative of our group! He is presenting his work on InSight and crustal anisotropy on Mars. Valeria Villa presented her work on the Pacific basin remotely.  

Congratulations, Dr. Xu!

Congratulations to our new Doctor! Haotian Xu successfully defended his PhD thesis today and has already moved onto a new job in technology!