The RadTrace Network is going online!
What is this and why?
We have started a few years ago by building a team (now the core group of the network) to closely collaborate in the framework of IODP Expedition 370 T-Limit of the Deep Biosphere to coordinate and conduct a comprehensive suit of microbial activity measurements using radioactive tracer compounds. Most of us knew each other from different collaborations in the past but this time we worked all together across different countries and continents closely coordinating all work and logistics.
We have noticed growing interest in the application of radio-tracer techniques to determine metabolic rates of subsurface microbes because these methods provide exceptionally low detection limits which were substantially improved over the past decade in order to be successfully applied to low activity and low energy environments in the deep biosphere.
Conducting radio-tracer experiments in the field and/or at the home laboratory, especially with precious, expensive, and often low active samples, requires additional efforts in dealing with sampling, sample preservation, contamination control, logistics, health and safety concerns and necessary bureaucracy. We provide and want to establish a network for interested active researchers where they can find help, information and support for this type of work. We aim to share expertise and knowledge and enable cooperation within frame of general science etiquette. We will provide ways to connect to the network soon. Stay tuned!
Interested public is welcome to contact us to seek information about our work, the aims and goals of our research and requests or concerns of any kind.
So long,
The RadTrace Network
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