We had the pleasure of having Prof. Barbara Romanowicz give the Memorial Mautner Lecture, during which Igor Stubailo was one of two recipients of the Mautner award. Congratulations Igor!
Congratulations to a new doctor!
Congratulations to Igor Stubailo for a successful PhD defense!
Goodbye to a great student
Last Friday, I said goodbye to my first graduate student, Kaiqing Yuan, who just started a postdoc in the Berkeley Seismo Lab. You will be missed, Kaiqing, but congratulations on this wonderful opportunity!
UCLA graduate hooding ceremony
Dr. Kaiqing Yuan was hooded today! See more pictures here

We have a new doctor!
Kaiqing Yuan successfully defended his PhD thesis today! Congratulations and thank you for being part of the team and being the first student to get a PhD in our group!
Student news
Congratulations to graduate student Zheng Xing who successfully passed his first exam! He earns a masters degree and can stay in the PhD program!
Student seminar
Graduate students Kaiqing Yuan and Zheng Xing will present their work in our weekly seminar
Student news
Welcome to undergraduate student Grace Parker who joined our group in September!
Student news
Kaiqing Yuan passes his 2nd exam and becomes the first PhD candidate of our group!
Student News
Kaiqing Yuan successfully passed his first exam and is moving onto the PhD program!