Hello Scripps!

Invited seminar at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Earth Section Seminar Series: “Seismological Detection of Anisotropy in the Mantle (and Consequences for Mantle Circulation)”

New NSF grant

NSF EAR Instruments and Facilities grant #0949255 “Support for Early Career Investigator: Acquisition of a computer cluster” awarded  

Bye bye

Helen Feng using a gravimeter in Peru during the ESS 136 field trip in May 2009
Helen Feng using a gravimeter in Peru during the ESS 136 field trip in May 2009

Helen Feng leaves our group to start graduate school in the WHOI/MIT program. Congratulations and good luck, Helen!

SEDI 2010

Invited presentation on global transition zone anisotropy at the 12th Symposium of SEDI, Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, Santa Barbara, CA

IGPP seminar

IGPP seminar at UCLA: “Probing Earth’s Dynamic Interior With Free Oscillations and Other Long Period Seismic Data”

AGU 2009

C.B. gives invited talk at the Fall AGU Meeting in San Francisco, session DI07 Seismic Anisotropy and Geodynamics: “Constraining Upper Mantle Azimuthal Anisotropy With Free Oscillation Data”