New NSF grant awarded!

C.B. and collaborators at the University of Maryland and the Scripps Institution for Oceanography have been awarded a new grant by the National Science Foundation: “Collaborative Research: Detecting Seismic Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle and Upper Mantle Transition Zone” (NSF EAR #1446978).

AGU 2014

Our group has 4 presentations at the 2014 AGU Fall meeting. Look for us in sessions DI22A, S41D, S51C, and S53A. In addition, C.B. is co-convener of a DI session “The Mantle Transition Zone: Its Role in Earth’s Thermochemical Evolution” starting Wednesday 17 December at 10:20am!

Zheng Xing in front of his poster
Zheng Xing in front of his poster

NSF grant!

Very exciting news for our group! A new project in collaboration with Prof. Nicholas Schmerr (Maryland) and Prof. Gabi Laske (SIO, UCSD) is recommended for funding by the National Science Foundation!

Goodbye to a great student

Last Friday, I said goodbye to my first graduate student, Kaiqing Yuan, who just started a postdoc in the Berkeley Seismo Lab. You will be missed, Kaiqing, but congratulations on this wonderful opportunity!

EPSS Commencement Ceremony 2014

The EPSS commencement ceremony took place on 14 June 2014. All of our group’s students were getting a degree: Grace Parker got a Bachelor of Science, Zheng Xing got a Masters, and Kaiqing Yuan got a PhD! More pictures here

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Graduating students Grace Parker (left, BS in geophysics) and Kaiqing Yuan (right, PhD geophysics & space physics), and Caroline Beghein (middle)
Caroline Beghein hooding Kaiqing Yuan
Caroline Beghein hooding Kaiqing Yuan