Manuscript accepted

Congratulations to graduate student Zheng Xing for having his first first-authored paper accepted for publications in Geophysical Journal International!!

Welcome to Haotian Xu

Today, we welcomed Haotian Xu in our group. He landed in Los Angeles yesterday and visited the campus and the seismo lab today. Haotian got his undergraduate degree in geophysics at USTC, in China. Welcome to UCLA!


Upcoming public lecture

C.B. will give a public lecture at the Rutgers Geology Museum Open House on 30 January 2016 as part of the IRIS/SSA Distinguished Lecturer Series. Stay tuned…


Zheng Xing will present his latest results during today’s departmental seismology seminar: “Robustness of Global Upper Mantle Radial Anisotropy Models and Effect of Crustal Corrections”