OMSI Science Pub

C.B. gave a public lecture for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) at the Venetian Theatre in Hillsboro, OR. It was fun and a success! Comments from the organizers and the audience included: We had a great turnout with 215 guests. This was the best attended Science Pub in Hillsboro this year! Great illustrations, good …

AOGS 13th Annual Meeting

Graduate student Zheng Xing is presenting his research on “Assessing The Pacific Lithosphere-asthenosphere Boundary Depth From Various Proxies With A Bayesian Approach”, at the AOGS 13th Annual Meeting in Bejing

Talk at CIDER

C.B. talks at the 2016 CIDER Summer Program about “Inferences on transition zone anisotropy from higher mode surface waves”


We made the local reference models used in Yuan and Beghein (2013), Beghein et al (2014), and Yuan and Beghein (2014) available for download. They correspond to CRUST2.0 superimposed onto PREM. Please, cite our if you are going to use them

Rutgers Geology Museum

Caroline Beghein visited the Rutgers Geology Museum and gave a public lecture during their Open House. The lecture entitled “From Plate Tectonics to Deep Earth Dynamics: A Seismological Journey Inside the Earth” was the first of the 2016 IRIS/SSA Distinguished Lecturer Series Caroline Beghein will be giving throughout the year.

Congrats Helen!

Former undergrad who worked in our group Helen Feng successfully defended her PhD thesis at the Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography! Congratulations Dr. Feng!