Yuan and Beghein preprint available on EarthArXiv

Preprint of “A Bayesian Method to Quantify Azimuthal Anisotropy Model Uncertainties: Application to Global Azimuthal Anisotropy in the Upper Mantle and Transition Zone” by  Yuan and Beghein now available on EarthArXiv: Preprint doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/VFZCB

Congratulations to Derek Tran!

Congratulations to former group member Derek Tran who got a Technical Support position at GeoSpatial Technologies!

Paper submission

A new paper by Yuan and Beghein was submitted to GJI!

COMPRES Meeting Keynote

C.B. is one of the keynote speakers at the 2017 annual COMPRES meeting in Albuquerque, NM.  

Congratulations Erik!

Erik Weidner successfully passed his departmental oral exam and can now continue onto the PhD program! Congratulations Erik!

LA Basin Symposium

Erik Weidner wins 4th place for the oral presentations at the 10th Annual Los Angeles Basin Earth and Planetary Sciences Student Research Symposium that was held on Friday, April 21, 2016! Congratulations Erik!


Very excited to have been selected to give a Keynote lecture at the 2017 COMPRES meeting!

AGU Presentations

Erik Weidner and Haotian Xu presented their work at their first AGU meeting in San Francisco!

Haotian Xu at AGU
Haotian Xu at AGU
Erik Weidner at AGU
Erik Weidner at AGU