Hello Illinois

C.B. invited to give a seminar at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Department of Geology: “Improving Constraints on Mantle Deformation Through Seismic Tomography: A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling Seismic Anisotropy”

AGU 2011

AGU poster presentations in San Francisco by Igor Stubailo (12/07), Kaiqing Yuan (12/08), and Caroline Beghein (12/07)

AGU 2010

C.B. is organizer and convener of AGU Fall Meeting session “DI05. Seismic Anisotropy in the Mantle: Progress, Prospects, and Pitfalls”

Hello Scripps!

Invited seminar at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Earth Section Seminar Series: “Seismological Detection of Anisotropy in the Mantle (and Consequences for Mantle Circulation)”

New NSF grant

NSF EAR Instruments and Facilities grant #0949255 “Support for Early Career Investigator: Acquisition of a computer cluster” awarded  

Bye bye

Helen Feng using a gravimeter in Peru during the ESS 136 field trip in May 2009
Helen Feng using a gravimeter in Peru during the ESS 136 field trip in May 2009

Helen Feng leaves our group to start graduate school in the WHOI/MIT program. Congratulations and good luck, Helen!