Hello Copenhagen

C. B. visited the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, and gave a brief overview of our group’s latest results

More pictures here

View of Nyhavn in Copenhagen
View of Nyhavn in Copenhagen

AGU 2013

Our team at AGU 2013
Our team at AGU 2013

I am very proud of my students who presented their research at the AGU meeting in San Francisco this week. Kaiqing even successfully gave his first AGU oral presentation!

And we some fun as well!

Student news

Congratulations to graduate student Zheng Xing who successfully passed his first exam! He earns a masters degree and can stay in the PhD program!

Paper submitted

Paper entitled “Three-dimensional variations in Love and Rayleigh wave azimuthal anisotropy for the upper 800 km of the mantle” by Yuan and Beghein on SH azimuthal anisotropy submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth

ESS8 Field Trip

Vasquez Rocks
Vasquez Rocks

C.B. took her ESS8 students to the field. We went to Vasquez Rocks park and to Palmdale to see the San Andreas fault.

More photos can be found here

AGU 2013

Our group will be presenting our work in one poster and three talks at the upcoming American Geophysical Union fall meeting 2013: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/announcements/single/online-program-posted/

2013 Gordon conference

Group picture taken at the 2013 Earth Interior Gordon Conference
Group picture taken at the 2013 Earth Interior Gordon Conference

CB presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference:

Beghein, C., and Yuan, K., “Changes in seismic anisotropy at upper mantle phase transitions”, Gordon Research Conference Interior of the Earth, 2-7 June 2013

Paper accepted

Our paper “Seismic anisotropy changes across upper mantle phase transitions” was accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Good job Kaiqing!