Xu et al. InSight paper in production!

Congratulations to Haotian Xu for getting his second paper (and first InSight paper) accepted for publication. It is now in production and will be available soon! Xu, H., Beghein, C.,  Panning, M.P., Drilleau, M., Lognonné, P., van Driel, M., Ceylan, S., Böse, M., Brinkman, N., Clinton, J., Euchner, F., Giardini, D., Horleston, A., Kawamura, T., …

First InSight paper by Haotian Xu et al. submitted

Graduate student Haotian Xu submitted his second first-authored paper (and first InSight first-authored paper) to JGR – Earth and Space! The manuscript is entitled “Measuring Fundamental and Higher Mode Surface Wave Dispersion on Mars From Seismic Waveforms”.

First InSight Results Published!

Exciting news! A series of papers have just been published in Nature Geoscience to present the first results of the InSight mission. Check them out here

SEEC 2020

C.B. gave a talk to educators at the 2020 Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at Space Center Houston. We talked about the latest InSight mission results and went over some tools that can be used in the classroom. It was a lot of fun!

SSA Meeting

C.B. attended the Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA, and presented results about the blind tests performed for the InSight mission: Beghein, C., *Xu, H. et al. (2019), Constraining mars crust and mantle structure from waveform inversion of fundamental and higher mode surface waves, SSA Annual Meeting, Abstract

LPSC 2019

C.B. attended the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in the Woodlands, TX and presented a poster on the blind tests performed for the InSight mission.

InSight Landing!

InSight landed on Mars safely! Our research group attended the landing viewing party at JPL this morning and it was AWESOME. The landing went smoothly, everything went according to plan, and we got a first picture of the ground soon after the landing. The solar panels were deployed a few hours later and a new …