Another InSight paper submitted

C.B. and former postdoc Jiaqi Li submitted a new paper using data from the InSight mission. Fingers crossed that the review process will not be too long!

LPI Webinar

C.B. had a great time presenting her group’s research about Mars to the LPI via Webinar. Her talk was titled “Seismological Constraints on Mars Interior Structure: Results from the InSight Mission”

New Paper

New InSight paper published! Ross Maguire led this work to determine the focal mechanism of marsquake S1222a, the largest quake recorded. Open Access. Maguire, R., Lekić, V., Kim, D., Schmerr, N., Li, J., Beghein, C., et al. (2023). Focal mechanism determination of event S1222a and implications for tectonics near the dichotomy boundary in southern Elysium Planitia, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2023JE007793.

Paper in Nature Communications

Postdoc and lead author, Jiaqi Li, determines the crustal structure at the second seismic anchor point, away from the InSight landing site: Li, J., Beghein, C., McLennan, S.M., Lognonné, P., Horleston, A.C., Charalambous, C., Huang, Q., Zenhäusern, G., Bozdag, E., Pike, T. W., Golombek M., Lekić, V., Lognonné, P., and Banerdt, W. (2022), Second Seismic Anchor …

Locating the largest event observed on Mars with multi-orbit surface waves

Third paper on S1222a co-authored by our group: Panning, M., Banerdt, W., Beghein, C., Carrasco, S., Ceylan, S., Clinton, J., Davis, P., Drilleau, M., Giardini, D., Khan, A., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Kim, D., Li, J., Lognonné, P., and Stähler, S., Zenhäusern, G. (2023), Locating the largest event observed on Mars with multi-orbit surface waves, Geophys. Res. Let., …

Another Paper on Sol1222a

Another paper published by our group in the GRL special collection “The Large Marsquake of Sol 1222”: Li., J., Beghein, C., Lognonné, P., McLennan, S., Wieczorek, M.A., Panning, M., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Davis, P., and Banerdt, W. (2022), Different Martian Crustal Seismic Velocities across the Dichotomy Boundary from Multi-Orbiting Surface Waves, Geophys. Res. Let., 50, 1, …

First detection of surface waves on Mars!

The paper entitled “Surface waves and crustal structure on Mars” by Kim et al. and co-authored by C. Beghein and postdoc J. Li is published in Science!! Kim, D., Banerdt, W., Ceylan, S., Giardini, D., Lekic, V., Lognonné, P., Beghein, C., Beucler, E., et al., Surface Waves and Crustal Structure on Mars, Science, 378, 6618, 417-421, doi:10.1126/science.abq7157

Another InSight paper by Jiaqi Li!

Dr. Jiaqi Li, postdoc in our group, led a paper entitled “Crustal Structure Constraints From the Detection of the SsPp Phase on Mars” that was just accepted for publication in Earth and Space. Congratulations, Jiaqi! Stay tuned for the link when it becomes available! Li, J., Beghein, C., Davis, P., Wieczorek, M., McLennan, S., Kim, D., Lekic, …

Jiaqi Li at his poster


Postdoc Jiaqi Li is the in-person AGU representative of our group! He is presenting his work on InSight and crustal anisotropy on Mars. Valeria Villa presented her work on the Pacific basin remotely.