Fischer et al. paper in press!

Excited for this new paper to be in press! Fischer, K.M., Rychert, C.A., Dalton, C.A., Miller, S.M., Beghein, C., and Schutt, D.L. (2020), A comparison of oceanic and continental mantle lithosphere, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106600

Congratulations, Valeria!

I am very proud of Valeria Villa who has been working in our group and was awarded the Deane Oberste-Lehn Scholarship in the EPSS Undergraduate Research Award competition!

First InSight paper by Haotian Xu et al. submitted

Graduate student Haotian Xu submitted his second first-authored paper (and first InSight first-authored paper) to JGR – Earth and Space! The manuscript is entitled “Measuring Fundamental and Higher Mode Surface Wave Dispersion on Mars From Seismic Waveforms”.

Paper by Fischer et al. submitted to PEPI

C.B. co-authored a paper entitled “Comparison of Oceanic and Continental Mantle Lithosphere” that was submitted to the journal Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.

First InSight Results Published!

Exciting news! A series of papers have just been published in Nature Geoscience to present the first results of the InSight mission. Check them out here

SEEC 2020

C.B. gave a talk to educators at the 2020 Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at Space Center Houston. We talked about the latest InSight mission results and went over some tools that can be used in the classroom. It was a lot of fun!

First LGN team meeting

This week, C.B. attended the first face-to-face Lunar Geophysical Network team meeting in Huntsville, AL. At the end of the meeting, some of us visited the Marshall Lander Lab. Picture of team members below:      

AGU 2019

This week, part of our team attended the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco to present our work on Mars and the Indian Ocean upper mantle