CB presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference:
Beghein, C., and Yuan, K., “Changes in seismic anisotropy at upper mantle phase transitions”, Gordon Research Conference Interior of the Earth, 2-7 June 2013
Welcome to undergraduate student Grace Parker who joined our group in September!
Our group will be presenting our work in one poster and three talks at the upcoming American Geophysical Union fall meeting 2013: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/announcements/single/online-program-posted/
Kaiqing Yuan and Zheng Xing are attending the EarthScope USArray/IRIS Data Processing Short Courses at Northwestern University
CB presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference:
Beghein, C., and Yuan, K., “Changes in seismic anisotropy at upper mantle phase transitions”, Gordon Research Conference Interior of the Earth, 2-7 June 2013
Our paper “Seismic anisotropy changes across upper mantle phase transitions” was accepted for publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Good job Kaiqing!
CB talks at the 1st Southern California Deep Earth Dynamics Symposium taking place at USC
Kaiqing Yuan passes his 2nd exam and becomes the first PhD candidate of our group!
C.B. gives seismology seminar at UCLA on “Changes in seismic anisotropy at the mantle transition zone boundaries” Abstract: The mantle transition zone (MTZ) is defined by discontinuities in seismic wave velocities at 410 km and 670 km depth that mostly result from phase changes in the olivine structure. Because the MTZ is believed to play …
AGU poster presentations in San Francisco by Kaiqing Yuan (12/03), and by Zheng Xing (12/04)
Kaiqing Yuan is attending a second IDRE High Performance Computing Workshop at UCLA, this time to learn about parallel programming with MPI