Mars DEMs
High-resolution Digital Elevation Models for Mars
Digital elevation models (DEMs) provide critical information about the three-dimensional geometry of surface outcrops on other planets and can help test different hypotheses. Using open-source software the Geomorphology and Aeolian Landscape Evolution lab creates DEMs from publicly archived high-resolution stereo images of Mars. The group has made over 1300 DEMs from HiRISE images at a point spacing of 1 meter-per-pixel, and even more DEMs from CTX images at a point spacing of ~6 meters-per-pixel. The lab generates these DEMs on a series of unix-based machines and the process has been automated for efficiency.
Access to UCLA-created Mars DEMs will be available through the NASA PDS. To see if a DEM is available in your area of interest, access the full DEM list and shapefile of HiRISE DEM and CTX DEM coverage at

Sulci. PSP_009609_1675/PSP_010453_1675.
Requesting new DEMs
New DEMs are being made all the time in the GALE lab, and we will happily take requests for new products. Depending on the size of the images and the requested resolution, DEMs typically take 1-2 days to generate (including some quality control by our researchers). Researchers interested in requesting new DEMs or accessing existing ones should contact the lab at

Full DEM list
A list of all DEMs already made by the group is available in the dem_index.csv file archived on the group’s GitHub page at
To request a DEM from this list or to request a specific image pair to process, please email