

Classes at UCLA

EPS SCI 219: Planetary & Orbital Dynamics

This class focuses on dynamics applied to planetary systems, including the 3 body-problem, resonances and tides.

This class is open to graduate students and was offered in the Winter term of 2017 and the spring term of 2019.

EPS SCI 9: Solar System & Planets

This class discusses the properties of the sun, planets, asteroids, and comets. We will discuss astronomical observations relevant to understanding the solar system and its origin. We will examine meteoritic evidence regarding the earliest history of solar system and talk about chemical models of the solar nebula.

This class is a GE class and was taught by me in the spring term of 2017, the winter term of 2018 and 2019.

Fiat Lux Seminar: The life and work of 5 female UCLA scientists

This class is a freshmen seminar and will examines the life and work of 5 female UCLA scientists.

This class is a freshmen seminar and was offered in the spring term of 2018.

EPS SCI 155: Planetary Physics

This class focuses on the formation of solar nebula, the origin of planets and their satellites, celestial mechanics and dynamics, as well as planetary interiors, surfaces, and atmospheres.

This class is an upper devision undergraduate course and I will teach it in the spring term of 2020.

EPS SCI 200E: Planetary Origins and Evolution

This class examines our current understanding of how planets and exoplanets form, combining orbital dynamics, geochemical constraints and astrophysical observations.

This class is open to graduate students and was offered in the spring term of 2018 and will be offered again in the winter term of 2020.

*Note, these planetary cakes were made by two of my awesome MIT students, who implemented what they had learned about planets into their baking.


12.098/12.S680: Formation & Evolution of Planetary Systems

I developed this course as an investigation into the current understanding of how planets form, combining orbital dynamics, geochemical constraints and astrophysical observations.

This class is open to both undergraduates and graduate students.  It was first offered in Fall 2015.

12.425/12.625/8.8.290J: Extrasolar Planets, Physics & Detection Techniques

This class examines the different detection techniques used to discover extrasolar planets and what we can infer from the observations about the physical properties of these new worlds.

This class is open to both undergraduates and graduate students. It was last offered in Spring 2014, Spring 2015 and Spring 2016

Classes at MIT