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List of Figures

Figure 1: Energy per unit charge (keV/e) of H+, O+, He+, and He++ as a function of time. The color code at the right indicates the ion flux [cm $^{-2}{\rm {s}}^{-1}{\rm {sr}}^{-1}{\rm {(keV/e)}}^{-1}$]

Figure 2: Polar measurements: (a) magnetic field magnitude and components; (b) ion drift components perpendicular to $\vec {B}$; (c) parallel H+ and O+ velocity components and the local magnitude of the centrifugal acceleration term (blue line).

Figure 3: Projections in the (X, Z) $_{\rm {GSM}}$ plane of backward-traced trajectories of O+ ions measured at point B by TIMAS before (black curve) and after (red curves) the compression (see text).

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